Early Childhood
(Birth – 5 years)
At the heart of every dream for a child is the promise of an exceptional educationThe process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. We believe all children and adults can benefit from quality education. More regardless of ability. At Abilities First, we believe that in order for early childhood educationThe process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. We believe all children and adults can benefit from quality education. More to be exceptional, it must (a) prepare students for future educational success, (b) offer opportunities for children with special needs to be educated among their peers, and (c) account for individual difference between students in terms of developmental progress. Our Pre-School Programs meet all of the above criteria.
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(5 – 21 years)
Our specialized school services are designed for children ages 5 – 21 with intellectual and developmental disabilities including AutismA developmental condition that affects social interactions, communication and repetitive behavior. A person with autism may or may not also have an intellectual disability. More, Down SyndromeA genetic condition with certain physical features and usually mild intellectual disability. Many people with Down Syndrome have overcome obstacles in life to become very successful and independent. More, Cerebral PalsyA condition primarily involving muscle stiffness, weak muscles and tremors which can affect movement, sensation, swallowing and speaking. People with Cerebral Palsy may or may not also have an intellectual disability. More and other related conditions. With locations across the Hudson Valley, we deliver exceptional quality educationThe process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. We believe all children and adults can benefit from quality education. More using evidence-basedThis term is often used to describe a particular therapeutic treatment or educational model, and it means the treatment or model has been subjected to rigorous scientific testing that demonstrated it is effective – or more effective than other treatments or models. More methods that prepare students for life beyond school.
Children in our program are referred by their home school districts so they can participate in our highly specialized academic and therapeutic services. There is no cost for children that qualify and transportation is provided.
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The array of services for children with developmental challenges and ways to access them can be complicated, leaving many parents and family members wondering who to turn to for help. At times, families also find the need for someone to advocate on their behalf and/or teach parents how to advocate for themselves to get their needs met. To address this variety of issues, Abilities First offers Family Support & AdvocacyTo make it known to others that something is important to them. People can advocate for themselves or for others. More.
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For children with disabilities that live with their families, we bring services to the home and the community. These services are delivered by trained Abilities First staff members, typically in a one-to-one ratio. The selected staff member comes to the home to provide support and care in the home (RespiteA break from caregiving. More) or provide skill building activities in the home or out in the community (Community HabilitationThe acquisition of certain skills required for a self-sufficient life. More). Family members are encouraged to take part in selecting staff members and scheduling activities.
Learn moreParents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security
Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security
To satisfy their responsibilities regarding the provision of educationThe process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. We believe all children and adults can benefit from quality education. More to students in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve, “educational agencies” (as defined below) in the State of New York collect and maintain certain personally identifiable information from the educational records of their students. As part of the Common Core Implementation Reform Act, EducationThe process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. We believe all children and adults can benefit from quality education. More Law §2-d requires that each educational agency in the State of New York must develop a Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security (Parents’ Bill of Rights). The Parents’ Bill of Rights must be published on the website of each educational agency and must be included with every contact the educational agency enters into with a “third party contractor” (as defined below) where the third-party contractor receives student data, or certain protected teacher/principal data related to Annual Professional Performance Reviews that is designated as confidential pursuant to EducationThe process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. We believe all children and adults can benefit from quality education. More Law §3012-c (“APPR data”).
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