Residential Services & Housing
As is true with most people in the world, adults with developmental challenges often require or desire to seek their own home independent from their families. When that times comes, Abilities First offers a wide continuum of residential and housing options to match the needs of anyone seeking residential support.
These options range from group residences with round the clock staffing and intensive clinical support to housing with very little support and everywhere in between. We support people as they make decisions about where and how they want to live and with whom. We believe strongly that happiness with your home is essential to overall satisfaction with life.
Group Supervised Residences
Group Supervised Residences are shared living environments that are staffed round the clock with trained professional Abilities First employees who provide skill building activities, social opportunities, medical oversight and clinical behavioral support to those who need it.
All of our residences are located in the community and look just like other houses in those neighborhoods. Within all of our residences, we implement a unique person-driven services model that helps people identify and achieve their personal goals and engage in those activities that make life satisfying.
Group Supportive Residences
Group Supportive ResidencesA group or individual residence for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities that is staffed less than 24/7 and designed to assist people living semi-independently. More are shared living environments that are not staffed round the clock. These are homes designed for adults who choose to live with peers but do not need constant assistance from Abilities First staff members.
In these residences, staff members are scheduled as needed to assist residents only with those activities they need help with. People living in Group Supportive ResidencesA group or individual residence for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities that is staffed less than 24/7 and designed to assist people living semi-independently. More are able to maintain their own safety and request help when they need it.
Within all of our residences, we implement a unique person-driven services model that helps people identify and achieve their personal goals and engage in those activities that make life satisfying.
Supportive Apartments
Supportive Apartments are either one or two bedroom apartment units located in the community. This residential options is designed for adults who choose to live alone or with one roommate and do not need constant assistance from Abilities First staff members.
In these residences, staff members are scheduled as needed to assist residents only with those activities they need help with. People living in Supportive Apartments are able to maintain their own safety and request help when they need it.
Within all of our residences, we implement a unique person-driven services model that helps people identify and achieve their personal goals and engage in those activities that make life satisfying.
Integrated Supportive Housing
Integrated Supportive HousingA multiple-unit housing community where 20% or fewer of the units are for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and tenants with special needs live among those without disabilities. More is a residential option for people who are nearly independent and desire a living option that provides maximum freedom and integrationThe practice of including people with special needs in all aspects of typical community life. Abilities First believes that if integration occurs naturally in a setting (e.g., classroom, place of work, residential neighborhood, etc.), the ratio of people with disabilities to those without should approximate what is found in the total population. That is, less than or equal to 20% people with disabilities. More with people without disabilities. These are apartment units that are “uncertified” meaning that the facilities are not regulated by government oversight agencies.
People with disabilities living in these settings, therefore, are able to shape the environment to their liking. In these settings, Abilities First provides staffing as needed to ensure people have their needs met and are making progress toward personal goals.
Within all of our residences, we implement a unique person-driven services model that helps people identify and achieve their personal goals and engage in those things that make life satisfying.
Under this model, families can select staff members to provide services, set schedules for services and activities, oversee budgets and compensation for staff. Self-DirectionWhen a person assumes decision making authority for himself. Such decisions can be related to employment, education, finances, where to live, what services to accept and many other things. More is a desirable model for services that gives families and people receiving services maximum control.
Home of Your Own
Some adults with disabilities have expressed a desire to own their own home and Abilities First has helped them select property and secure financing. This is an option for adults that desire maximum freedom and equity in a long-term living situation. Within all of our residences, we implement a unique person-driven services model that helps people identify and achieve their personal goals and engage in those things that make life satisfying.
Abilities First residential and housing programs are located throughout Dutchess County. For additional information about Abilities First Residential Services (Supervised and Supportive ResidencesA group or individual residence for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities that is staffed less than 24/7 and designed to assist people living semi-independently. More) see our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Donovan Ashe, Director of Residential Services at (845) 240-8663. For information about Integrated Housing, please contact Mark Nace, M.S., Chief Program Officer at 845-485-9813 ext. 1247.